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Anythng that is underlined is a link to places within the "Valjiir Continuum" site (with the exception of the word "underlined" in this sentence).
The talented Mylochka continues to do wonderful CGI artwork for Valjiir. These will be put up as she gets them to me.
November 3, 2022 Added new vignetteThe Ship That Had Sailed to The Starfleet Years: The Nest Ships
October 20, 2022 Added new vignetteIn A Good Way to The Starfleet Years: The Enterprise, Year Four
May 12, 2022 Added new storyBlue Christmas to The Starfleet Years: The Enterprise, Year Six
May 7, 2022 Added new storyA Meshuggunah Pirate Movie to The Starfleet Years: Year Four
February 25, 2019 Added new vignette Christmas Every Day to The Nest Ships
March 1, 2017Added artwork to Chiksa in Unrelated Stories. Artwork by little ol' me, and no where near the quality of Mylochka's work.
January 29, 2017 Added new story Queenship to The Nest Ships
January 24, 2018 Re-doing entirely the Cast of Characters pages! Check them out! This is a work-in-progress, so check back often!
January 19, 2018 Artwork for Mindtrap AND Witch Hunt is done! (Well, okay, there's one more coming for Mindtrap)
August 14, 2017 Added artwork to Warrior's Hymn Happy birthday to me from Mylochka!
Recent Updates
Visit her site at Deviant Art
More Cast of Characters pages done. Check them out!
July 21, 2017 Added new vignette New Kid In Town to The Early Years
July 14, 2017 Added new story Some Fishy Business to The Star Fleet Years: Year Three
March 25, 2017 Added new filk Bad Blood to Poetry
March 7, 2017 Added companion piece to Looking Glass Life called Looking Glass Life - The Other Side to The Drake
February 20, 2017 Added new story Looking Glass Life to The Drake
November 29, 2016 Added new filk Dark Star to Poetry
August 21, 2016 Added artwork to Things That Go Bump In The Nights in "Starfleet: Year Four" Thanks so much, Mylochka. Don't know what took me so long to get them up!
July, 2016 Added more to Secret Seas in "Alternates"
April 28, 2016 Added a new vignette The New Fish to The Nest Ships.
April 6, 2016 Added a new vignette Hallowed Birthday to The Early Years.
March 21, 2016 Added a new story, It Was A Very Good Year to The Starfleet Years - The Enterprise, Fizzbin Year.
February, 2016 The first illos for Mindtrap are up! Many thanks to the very-busy-but-stil-has-time-for-Valjiir Mylochka!
January 25, 2016 Sweet Fire is finished! All glory and medals (and all the muffins and bagels in the land) to Mylochka!
January 23, 2016 A few more illos for Sweet Fire part 9 are up. Just a few more to go!
January 21, 2016 More illos for Sweet Fire part 9 are up. Go Mylochka go!
January 14, 2016 A couple more illos for Sweet Fire part 9 are up.
January 11, 2016 We're in the home stretch for Sweetfire, people! The first illos for Sweet Fire part 9 are up. Artwork as always by the unbelievably talented Mylochka!
January 9, 2016 Added more beautiful illos to Sweet Fire part 8. Gorgeous artwork by - of course - Mylochka.
January 7, 2016 Added fantastic, heart-wrenching illos to Sweet Fire part 8. Mylochka deserves the CGI equivalent of an Oscar for these! And HAPPY NEW YEAR!
December 10, 2015 Added even more illos to Sweet Fire part 7. Go Mylochka GO!
December 8, 2015 Added more illos to Sweet Fire part 6, Sweet Fire part 7 and Sweet Fire part 8. Mylochka is the BEST!
November 30, 2015 Added another illo to Sweet Fire. Go Mylochka!
November 22, 2015 Continuing artwork for... Sweet Fire and for A Little Bitty Bit Of Treachery, part 2. All artwork courtesy of the continuing talent of Mylochka.
November 16, 2015 Continuing artwork for... Sweet Fire and for A Little Bitty Bit Of Treachery, part 2 and A Little Bitty Bit Of Treachery, part 3!! All artwork by the unbelievably talented Mylochka.
August 24, 2015 Continuing artwork for... Sweet Fire AND for A Little Bitty Bit Of Treachery, part 1 and A Little Bitty Bit Of Treachery, part 3! All artwork by 'where DOES she find the time!' Mylochka.
August 18, 2015 Continuing artwork for... Sweet Fire AND for A Little Bitty Bit Of Treachery! All artwork by the busy busy busy Mylochka.
August 11, 2015 Continuing artwork for A Little Bitty Bit Of Treachery Some of these are reprints from the Shadow Captain stories because why make poor Mylochka work even harder than she already does!
August 7, 2015 Continuing artwork for... Sweet Fire. Check on the first page for the title artwork! AND the title art for A Little Bitty Bit Of Treachery is up! All artwork by the unimaginably talented Mylochka.
July 29, 2015 the second part of the new alternate to Shadow Captain A Little Bitty Bit Of Treachery is up in the Stories: Alternates section
July 28, 2015 added a new vignette, Evening Shadows by Mylochka in Stories: The Nest Ship.
- added a new alternate to Shadow Captain A Little Bitty Bit Of Treachery in the Stories: Alternates section. This is the first part of a two-parter, covering the events in Danse Macabrfe. The second part, covering Chain Reaction, will be up soon!
July 19, 2015 Still MORE artwork for... well, I bet you can guess!.
July 18, 2015 Still MORE artwork for Sweet Fire.
July 8, 2015 Yes, you guessed it! MORE artwork for Sweet Fire. I gave the link to the page with the new art this time, which I should have thought of sooner. Continuing magnificent artwork by the continuing magnificent Mylochka!
July 5, 2015 adding more MORE artwork to Sweet Fire. Art, STILL by the oh-so-talented Mylochka!
June 22, 2015 adding more artwork to Sweet Fire. Art, as always, by the oh-so-talented Mylochka!
June 2, 2015 continuing to add artwork to Sweet Fire. Art, as always, by the continually brilliant Mylochka!
May 28, 2015 adding artwork to Sweet Fire. Art, as always, by the wonderful and understanding Mylochka!
- added a new vignette, A Cajun Christmas Carol to Stories Section: Year Four
March 3, 2015 added new title artwork to Redshirts. Art by the inspired and inspiring Mylochka!
February 5, 2015 added new artwork to The Percentage. Art, of course, by the continually superb Mylochka!
December 15, 2014 added LOTS of new artwork to Could Mohammed Move A Mountain?. More and more art by the amazingly prolific Mylochka!
December 13, 2014 added new artwork to Hotel California: Captain's Log: Rentig IV. More gorgeous art by the still gorgeous Mylochka!
December 12, 2014 added new artwork to Hotel California: A Tragic Romance. Gorgeous art by gorgeous Mylochka!
September 23, 2014 added new artwork to Hotel California: The Queen's Necklace and Kiss The Cook, artwork, as always, by the brilliant and talented Mylkochka
August 28, 2014 added new artwork to Hotel California: The Queen's Necklace because Mylochka is on a ROLL!!!!
August 25, 2014 added even more new artwork to the Shadow Captain series, particularly Hallowed Be Thy Name and Old Love, but check out all the stories anyway *grin!*
- and to the end of D'Artagnan and the Silver Streak
- and more to Kiss The Cook. *Whew!* Mylochka sure has been busy! Yay for Mylochka!
- added a vignette, If I Stay, There Will Be Trouble (with artwork!) to Stories Section: Year Four
August 23, 2014 added a new vignette, Some Old Drunk to Stories Section: The Early Years
August 21, 2014 added new artwork throughout the Shadow Captain series, because Mylochka says she can do much better now *grin!* Start viewing here
- added artwork to Kiss The Cook to the Stories Section: Starfleet Years, Year Four. Magnificent art done by magnificent Mylochka.
March 6, 2014 Added a little more to Secret Seas in the Alternates Section. To go right to the new material, click here.
February 13, 2013The Quizzes are fixed! Check 'em out!
September 12, 2013 - added a new vignette, Scourge of the World to the Stories Section: The Drake.
September 4, 2013 - started to add artwork to An Old Fashioned Man in The Stories Section: Year Six. Fantastic artwork by the always fantastic Mylochka.
September 2, 2013 - added Amazed and its artwork to The Stories Section: The Nest Ships. Gorgeous artwork by the gorgeous Mylochka.
August 27, 2013 - added Kiss The Cook to The Stories Section: Year Four
August 6, 2013 - added All That Glitters, an epilogue to
The Midas Touch
May 22, 2013 - going through the semi-annual typo and text-rot clean-up, and added some artwork by me) while I was at it: to Cajun and Kam in Tales From The Clave, and to Pillow Talk in The Starfleet Years: Enterprise.
- started to add artwork to Meeting His Maker in Stories Section: The Early Years. This artwork (unlike the ones referenced above) are by the amazingly talented Mylochka (as if you couldn't tell just by comparing them).
May 15, 2013 - finished adding the artwork to Film At 11 in Stories Section: Year Six. Artwork by (HOORAY!) Mylochka.
May 12, 2013 - started to add the artwork to Film At 11 in Stories Section: Year Six. Artwork by - well, go on, guess!
May 9, 2013 - added a new vignette, Smoke in Stories Section: The Drake.
- added The Midas Touch in Stories Section: The Nests.
May 5, 2013 - the last of the artwork for A Sordid Affair in Stories Section: Year Four is up! Artwork by the magnificently magnificent Mylochka.
April 28, 2013 - added artwork to A Sordid Affair in Stories Section: Year Four. Artwork by the magnificently talented Mylochka.
April 16, 2013 - added artwork to At The Center in Stories Section: Year Four. Artwork, of course, by Mylochka.
October 16, 2012 - added artwork to A Flight Of Fancy in Stories Section: The Drake. Artwork by the particularly magnificent Mylochka.
September 29, 2012 Due to issues with Firefox, I had to break up the Stories page into two pages. Hope this doesn't cause any confusion!
September 1, 2012 - added artwork to Something Old, Something New in Stories Section: Year Four. Spectacular artwork by Mylochka, of course.
August 31, 2012 - added artwork to D'Artagnan And The Silver Streak in Stories Section: Year Three.
- added artwork to A Different Way Of Looking At Things in Stories Section: Year Four. Artwork for both, as usual, by the one-of-a-kind Mylochka!
August 30, 2012 - added artwork to If I Were in Stories Section: Year Two. Magnificent artwork by the magnificent Mylochka!
August 7, 2012 - added an Epilogue to Black Swan in Stories Section: The Drake.
August 6, 2012 - added a new vignette, Always A Woman in Stories Section: Year Four.
- added a new Daffy Diary, Friendly Advice, to (where else?) The Daffy Diaries. Vignette by, as usual with Daffy, Mylochka.
- added an epilogue, If I Stay, There Will Be Trouble to Something Old, Something New in Stories Section: Year Four. Written by Mylochka!
July 28, 2012 - added a new ending to Could Mohammed Move A Mountain in Stories Section: Year Four.
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