Sarek Sepaklrn was born in the year 2144 on Vulcan in the city of Shi Karr. His mother T'Pau, was a diplomat, his father, Sepak, a merchant. He was raised in the typical Vulcan fashion, surviving his kahs wan and acccepting the Way of Surak at the mok farr. He was, at that time, betrothed to a young Vulcan girl. All that is known of this betrothal is that the young woman died of a rare neurological disorder in the year 2200, before Sarek experienced The Time. (For more information on Vulcans, see Epsilon Eridani)
Sarek followed in the career of his mother rather than his father, becoming an attache in the diplomatic corps.
In what some consider an amazing coincidence, Sarek, who was on Terra for a diplomatic conference at the time of his betrothed's death, met a young Human woman named Amanda Greyson (see Amanda Greyson).
She was a schoolteacher, intelligent, compassionate and beautiful, and before the diplomatic conference had ended, Sarek and Amanda had wed. Sarek was 56 years old; Amanda, 24.
It seemed, at the time, the logical thing to do.
Sarek experienced his first pon farr at the age of 63 in the year 2207. In 2208, his son, Spock (see Spock), was born. The inherent difficulties of a mixed-species gestation and birth caused complications, and necessitated a complete hysterectomy, thus preventing Amanda from having any more children. There are some who claim that Sarek bears a secret grudge against his son for being the cause of this situation. Of course, some would also say the bastard should be grateful for the son he has.
Sarek was a strict father, demanding of Spock that he be more Vulcan to compensate for his Human heritage. Spock strove to be a good son, but could never meet his father's exacting standards. Eventually, Spock, showing the stubbornness he had inherited from Sarek, went his own way, causing a great rift between father and son which lasted nearly 20 years.
Sarek and Amanda remain happily married, residing on Vulcan in the family home at Dar Salaq. Sarek is Vulcan's Ambassador-At-Large to the Federation, a well-respected, calm and logical influence at Babel. He is a good man, devoted to his wife, of strong opinions but caring and tolerant - except when it comes to his son. It is to be hoped that, with the possibility of grandchildren in the future, he will finally forgive Spock for having had the audacity to be born half-Human.
NOTE: All information current up through Standard Year 2248
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