Caitlin Valley listened to the Commodore's bluster and that of his pathetic lap-dog for as long as she could stomach it.
"There a woman after my own heart," Del grinned."Except she isn't anymore," Daffy corrected, then stuck out her tongue at the engineer's glare.
When her captain actually intervened on behalf of the two deserters, she'd had enough. As far as she could tell, MeiLin had, indeed, gone daft, made soft in the head by desire for what any male in port could be convinced to give up, and even to pay for the privilege.
"The Commander, he pays you?" Monique questioned, blinking faux-innocently."Monique!" Ramon burst out.
Del cackled and blew his fellow countrywoman a kiss.
Cat had followed MeiLin because she seemed like a level-headed woman of business, perhaps not as blood-thirsty as Cat herself, but hard and cool as stone.
"That would be jade, I presume?" Jim commented quietly.Jade kept herself from blushing.
And the profits had been more and adequate – until recently. Until she'd met the Commodore. Now here they were, actually working with the Navy to retrieve a treasure stolen fair and square by another party…
An' for what? A bloody hundred pieces o' gold? When if we'd come on our own, we might had it all! An' had a lot more excitement in the bargain! The pirate shook her head. This was not the life she'd signed on for.
She made a quick, impulsive decision – the only kind she had ever made –
"You got that right!" came from both Del and Daffy.
- and slipped into the jungle. She's heard enough from the lap-dog's report to Kirk to tell which way from the beach the hidden entrance into the Chinaman's lair lay. She was a good tracker, and Navy men were to a man clumsy enough for a blind parrot to follow. She'd employ a little guile, a little charm, a little stealth and her good saber and pistol and get that pay chest from the tower herself.
Then Cap'n Han and th' Commodore'll have to parlay with me, she said to herself. And God rot 'em all!
DelMonde rubbed his wrists after they were released. Chekov had scowled at him the entire time Kirk had been loosing the ropes. The Commodore had asked for his word that he'd not run off, and he'd grunted in what he hoped the man would take as an assent.
"Isn't that how he always answers when someone asks for his word?" Pavel asked faux-innocently. Daffy chuckled."I a fuckin' man o' my word!" Del protested. He glowered at the dubious glares thrown his way.
"Mais I am," he muttered.
He saw where Riley went to get Takés swords and edged closer to the spot as the Asian tested and inspected his blades. It was quite a flashy show, and Del would've snorted at it except for the almost imperceptible nod Také had given him just before beginning it. He grinned privately to himself. Th' monkey not trust this anymore than me, he thought, and while everyone's attention was on the admittedly riveting display of prowess,
Sakura, Tara. Monique, Ruth and even Uhura sighed happily. Jade glanced around to make sure no one noticed her smile. Jilla glowed. Sulu shrugged at the frowns from most of the men.
Del managed to find a pistol in the pile of weaponry he had previously stolen from the Enterprise. He also grabbed a bag of extra powder and of shot, sticking all three in the waistband of his pants. Then he casually sauntered back to the group of enthralled spectators. He caught Chekov's eyes frowning at him, and gave a friendly one-fingered salute. As expected, the Russian turned away in disgust.
"So rude," Chekov said, shaking his head.
When Take' gave a suddenly rigid bow after re-sheathing his swords, and stepped up to Kirk and Han to discuss their plan of attack, Del saw his chance and took it. He moved as quickly as he could and still be near-silent. He didn't trust Kirk's promise of leniency as far as he could spit, and he wasn't about to stick around to see if he would be proven right. His only chance was to get back into the Chinaman's lair and find something of value he could sell to keep himself – his original plan before Také had been bespelled, minus the part about having to steal from Ming. If he was lucky, he'd get the chance to gut the God-cursed Turk as well.
"Not to mention finding some purple-eyed, blood-thirsty pirate," Daffy announced."Shut up!"came from both Ruth and Del.
He had no trouble finding his way back to the secret entrance Desireé had shown he and Také and Chekov – ah, Desireé!
"Watch it!" Ramon warned."If she ever come back on screen, I surely will."
"You can borrow my swords, Ramon," Sulu offered.
Del snorted. "Like he can handle 'em."
– and he fashioned and lit a torch as he crept up the stone stairway. There was a figure ahead of him, and he yanked the pistol from his waistband, holding it out before him.
Cat caught the light from the corner of her eye and turned, her pistol at the ready, pointing it back down the stairs.
"You!" she and the tall, shirtless, almost unbearably handsome former member of the Enterprise crew hissed together.
"See? I told ya!" Daffy crowed smugly."Unbearably handsome, huh?" Del grinned.
"Shut up," Ruth growled at him.
"What is it you t'ink you doin' here, wench?" DelMonde said.
"Not waitin' for all the endless talk," she replied haughtily. "If you've come after me…"
"When does he ever do anything else?"
"I've come to guarantee my freedom," he answered.
"Oh? An' how, pray tell, is it ye plan to do that?"
He showed his teeth. "By gettin' some o' those lovely sovereigns fo' my own," he said, "or anyt'ing else of value there be for th' takin'."
"So you're a thief as well as a deserter?" she taunted.
"Say th' blood-thirsty pirate," Del pointed out.
"An' you be t'inkin' you've got some moral high-ground here, pirate?" Del snapped back.
Cat laughed. "Not a bit of it," she returned. "Lower your weapon and let's talk."
"Lower yours first."
"I'll not be defenseless."
"Because you're naught but a poor, helpless woman?"
"I'll give you a mouthful of helpless, mister!"
"Because I'm naught but a smart woman, Master DelMonde."
"Ah, don't be sellin' yourself so short, cher," the Frenchman said. "There's more to ye than brains, and that's God's pure truth."
They stared at one another for long seconds, each drinking in the beauty of the other. Finally, Del smiled.
Del gave Ruth a sidelong glance. Her own was just as covert. Until several people started giggling or chuckling. Then Ruth stuck out her tongue."It been pointed out one ought not t' do that 'less you plan to use it," Del muttered.
With a glare, which she quickly changed to a sweet smile, Ruth turned and gave her husband a thorough kiss.
"Perhaps, Mistress Cat, you'd like a workin' partner in this endeavor?"
"Perhaps," Cat replied. "But you won't be gettin' from me the same treatment Kirk gets from MeiLin."
"Oh?" Del said, his eyebrow rising. "You're one of them that don't hold with men?"
Cat found herself flushing. "No, I'm one of them that don't hold with lettin' a man run my intention."
"Which is why she married a Vulcan," DelMonde snorted.Ruth again stuck out her tongue at him, then forestalled his comment by asking, "Do you want to see me use it again?"
"Ah, so that's why the Enterprise is always just almost catchin' the Raven, hmm? I knew t'was why Kirk never clapped her in irons, but if the wench returns the favor…" He shook his head. "Viva la amour."
"Tis disgustin'," Cat spat. "An' it's robbed us of many a good bounty. I be gettin' myself out from under it."
An' I might be wishin' you get yourself out from under..." Del began."Shut up!" Ruth snarled.
"Mais, since I be gettin' out from under Kirk….not literally, mind – I hold much with women, the prettier the better…" Again Del flashed an inviting smile, "what have ye to say to my proposal?"
Cat hesitated. "We work together, take what's owed us, an' go our separate ways?"
"I expect to be paid for my service, Mistress Cat," Del returned, "though not necessarily in gold." His gaze again traveled over her very golden form and the bright pile of golden curls on her head. "There again…."
"Ooh la la!" came from Monique. Ruth glared at her.
"You're a saucy one, Master DelMonde."
"Mais oui, I am French."
Del and Monique exchanged smug smiles.
"That you are," Cat murmured, then shook herself. "Well, if you're comin', come on then! And bring that torch up here!"
Del grinned as Cat turned, noting with pleasure that while it removed him from the aim of her weapon, his was still pointed at her.
"Like he'd ever shoot her," Daffy chuckled.Del scowled and Ruth hid a grin.
The plan was set. Neither Kirk nor Chekov liked it, but even they had to admit there was little else to be done. Takeda's insistence that, in order to defeat the sorcerer, he had to free Iere, was unshakable. MeiLin kept pointing out that was the only way to get the pay chest back. She had noticed Cat's departure, and had sighed for the loss of a good fighter, but she understood her First Mate. Cat was impatient and impulsive. Careful planning didn't suit her, and working with the Royal Navy in any capacity would suit her even less. MeiLin wished her luck.
"Damned big o' you," Del commented."Thank you, Mr. DelMonde," Jade returned.
There was one flaw in Takeda's plan, as far as she could see. He seemed confident he could use his sword to get into where the Priestess was being held, but MeiLin couldn't see any way that he could possibly get into the lair and not have the weapon taken from him. She'd heard, of course, of his ability to climb the tower, but could he do so with his swords as an encumbrance? Even with his impressive display of ability, she doubted that.
"I wouldn't if I were you," Sakura admonished, with a fond smile at Sulu. The helmsman grinned back .
She was about to bring it to Kirk's attention – loathe though she was to give him another reason to distrust the plan – when suddenly the group of pirates and Navy men were surrounded by heavily tattooed, dark-skinned, nearly naked natives. She blinked, ready to draw her sword, when Takeda held up a hand.
"These are Iere's people," he said. "They'll help us defeat the sorcerer."
"You have your blade, Called One?" the tallest man asked. He was clearly the leader of the islanders.
"Doesn't he always?" Ruth giggled."'Specially fo' Cobra," Del agreed.
"Shut up," Sulu advised.
Takeda drew it. "Yes," he said, and his face creased into a fierce grin.
The man grunted, clearly impressed. "What are we to do now, Takeda?"
"My thought was to allow myself to be captured again. If your people can bring my katana to the base of the tower, I can lean out low enough to reach it."
"That's nonsense!" Chekov cried out. "Do you honestly believe Ming will return you to a cell you escaped once?"
Takeda regarded him impassively. "I can get out of any cell he puts me in," he said.
"Confident much?" Daffy breezed.
MeiLin noted that the crew of the Enterprise murmured among themselves. Apparently, there was no one else who doubted the Asian could do what he said he could. She wondered if they had had chances to doubt him before and learned the lesson the hard way.
"With reason," Ruth retorted, smiling.
"We can do that for you, Called One," the native leader said. He placed his hand on Takeda's shoulder. "Odair and his people trust in the magic of our Priestess."
"Well, that's all well and good," Kirk said, clearing his throat, "But Master Takeda will need a diversion." He turned to MeiLin. "Perhaps a foolhardy frontal assault?"
The pirate captain nodded thoughtfully. "We'd have to make it look good, John."
"Aye. My crew can do that. Can yours?"
She smiled. "Without a doubt, Commodore."
"Commodore," Chekov suddenly interrupted. "That damned French brigand is gone!"
"Fuckin' herbert," Del snarled.
Kirk scowled. "So much for leniency, Captain," he said to MeiLin.
She shrugged. She had known all along the Frenchman wouldn't stay put. She sighed. Two good fighters gone.
"We'll make due with what we've got," she told Kirk. "And if we find Monsieur DelMonde again, I promise I won't be asking you for favors."
"I'll hold you to that, MeiLin," Kirk said.
She nodded, and when their eyes met, there was another meaning behind his words altogether.
McCoy chuckled lewdly. Both Jim and Jade glared at him.
The attack struck just the right balance between outrageously daring and obviously desperate. The crews of the Raven and Enterprise coordinated surprisingly well together, One-Eyed Yuriko managing to comment that it was because they'd fought so many times, each knew the others strengths and weaknesses. Faik and Coriander joined the fray, and even Daffy Rosen charged in beside Chekov, despite the Russian's attempts to send her back.
"Damn, a fight and I'm not there!" Ruth pouted loudly."And who asked you to take off on your own?" Daffy replied with absolutely no sympathy whatsoever.
"Maybe to get away from you?" Ruth returned with a nasty grin.
"Maybe because I have a loyal..."
"Herbert," Del interrupted.
Daffy stuck her tongue out at him, then at Ruth, "Jealous," she added.
"Bitch," Ruth rejoined automatically.
"Slut," was Daffy's retort.
"Cow," Ruth supplied.
"My wife, enough," Spock murmured.
Také was a dervish, bold and rash, whirling and leaping like some murderous dancer.
Jilla, Tara, Monique and Sakura sighed.
He fought with two sabers; his own samurai swords were safely in the hands of Odair and the islanders, who used the attack as cover to get in position at the base of Ming's prisoner tower. Chekov seemed determined to fight close to the Asian. Having had one prisoner escape, he was resolved not to allow Takeda to slip away in the confusion of battle. Daffy stayed near Chekov, whether by her design or his, it was hard to say.
"Not hard to say at all," Chekov murmured, and Daffy gave him an adoring smile."Puke," Del said, then made loud gagging noises. Daffy turned around and smacked him hard on the arm.
Han and Kirk exchanged frequent glances, each gauging the passage of time and the progress of the skirmish so as to determine the best time for a strategic withdrawal. Takeda had to be captured or nearly captured, and the fighting had to at least appear to be going badly enough that it would be believable that they would sound a retreat. After several minutes in which more of their crews were injured than either of them would've liked, they saw the sorcerer's men grab Takeda, twisting the sabers out of his hands. Simultaneously, Kirk called, "Retreat!" and Han gave a high-pitched whistle. The fighters scrambled to disengage, the Turk, Faik, performing the duties of rearguard, herding the crewmen and women back to a safe place.
"That's my darling Enforcer," Uhura smiled.
Panting, Kirk asked, "How many did we lose?"
"To injury?" Han replied, her own breath coming hard. "It'll be up to the doctors to determine that. But…" She scanned the faces of the warriors. "John, I don't see Chekov – or Mistress Rosen."
"It were the Stell Clone Army," Del stated.
"The sorcerer's duplicates have 'em," Faik said as he strode toward them.
"Duplicates?" Kirk asked, his brow creasing in a frown.
The large man grinned fiercely. "You'd not noticed they all look alike? Their hair may be varied in color and style, but they're peas in a pod." He leaned forward. "Cori tells me it be an evil islander magic. And seein' as how I've seen what the sorcerer can do…" He let the sentence trail off ominously.
"What'd I tell ya?"
"And they have my First Mate and his…." Kirk began.
"Lady," MeiLin finished
Del laughed out loud. "Daf ain't no...""Do not finish that sentence, Noel," Chekov warned.
"Not for long," Faik grunted. "If the Japaner's plan works."
Takeda, Chekov and Daffy were dragged into Ming's lair. Daffy fought and screamed, biting and scratching until her guard simply pulled her hands down firmly to her sides, marching her before him. Chekov seemed to be conserving his strength, until Lord Ming approached. He used a burst of energy to momentarily break free from his captor, but soon found his wrists grabbed from behind, his arms pulled out straight away from his body as he was forced to his knees. He saw Takeda, too, was put on his knees, but the Asian's hands were bound behind his back, and for a moment, the Russian wondered why he alone merited that precaution.
"'Cause he jus' that much better'an you," Del supplied.
"The hawk has flown back to my arm," Ming murmured. "I do hope you can explain to me how you escaped, little bird."
Také glared at him but said nothing.
"Lieutenant Chekov, you're not in the hold of Yarbay Sahin's ship?" Ming continued. "How curious. And where is Monsieur DelMonde?"
"I will tell you nothing!" the Russian spat.
"That's my bubee," Daffy said, hugging her lover.
"Oh, I think you will," Ming answered with a cold smile. "In time." He glanced at Daffy. "I haven't had the pleasure, Miss…?"
"And you won't!" Daffy shouted.
"And you won't!" Daffy promised. "At least not while I'm alive to spit at you for it!"
The audience cheered. Daffy stood and bowed.
"That, too, has yet to be seen," Ming replied. His attention returned to the Asian. "Now, Master Takeda, I think you and I need to have a small conversation." He nodded to the guard who stood above Také's kneeling form. The guard placed one hand on Takeda's shoulder, the other, fingers spread, against the handsome face.
"What is your purpose here?" Ming asked.
Také struggled, then his face went almost blank. "To kill you," he said in a voice clearly not his own.
"Surely the good crew of the Navy ship have no reason to allow that," the sorcerer answered.
Del gave a nasty chuckle. "Bets?"
"They know you have their pay chest," Takeda said, and Chekov let loose a string of Russian epithets.
"Hey, what can I do against a Vulcan mind probe?" Sulu wanted to know."I might be able t' suggest a t'ing or two..." Del began.
"Shut up," Sulu told him.
"And why is the crew of the Raven involved?" Ming said.
"Their captain is in love with the Commodore," was Také's strained response.
Again, the audience applauded. Jim flushed. Jade concentrated on her statboard.
Ming chuckled. "Is she now? Interesting. And what else?"
"She wants to prove to him that she didn't steal…." The Asian took a ragged breath, then finished, "…this time."
"And do you know how the lieutenant and his cohort managed to escape from Sahin's men?"
"Yüzbaşı Faik defected and… aided their escape."
"Oh, Gage not gonna like that," Del said to no one in particular.
"Hmm," Ming replied. "That won't please Sahin." He paused. "What else?"
"Told ya."
"Don't you be sayin' another word, monkey!" Daffy seethed.
"My dear, he can't respond to you, as charming as you are," Ming commented. "My power holds him. Now, Master Takeda. What else?"
"Since when do you find her charming?" Ruth wanted to know.Spock shook his head slightly. "Lord Ming," he answered. "Not me."
"I heard that!" Daffy returned.
The Asian's body stiffened and sweat broke out on his face. Finally words were dragged out of him. "I'll – have your – God-cursed pointed ears – hanging from my sword!" he rasped. "I'll make – a necklace of – the bones of your fingers…"
"That tellin' him!" Del crowed.
Ming scowled. "Enough," he said to the guard, and the man released Také's face. Takeda slumped. "Take him to the tower, and make sure it is a different cell."
The guard bowed his head, then hauled the Asian to his feet, dragging him away. Ming turned to Chekov and Daffy. "Put the Lieutenant in the tower as well – though not with Master Takeda. Take this enchanting flower to my personal cells. I'll deal with her later."
Chekov swore again, Daffy screamed – and Ming's eyes gleamed.
"You think I'm afraid of..." Daffy began defiantly."You should be," Ruth grinned and squeezed her husband's arm.
"You'll get nothing from my Pytor!" Daffy spat as the heavy door clanged shut in front of her.
"Not if he try to read th' dumb fuck's alleged mind," Del interjected."Shut up!"
"But the question is, do I need to, since Master Takeda has been so cooperative?" Ming returned mildly.
"He's a traitor and a mutineer!" the innkeeper retorted. "Are you really so stupid as to trust his word?"
"Hey! Sulu protested."Stop with the touchy samurai pride already," Daffy countered.
"I trust what my power forced him to reveal," the sorcerer replied. He stepped close to the door and its small window. "I will also trust what power of a different kind may obtain from you, little flower," he murmured.
"If you touch me, Pytor will kill you," she said her green eyes furious, though she backed away from the door.
"Will he?" Ming chuckled. "It might be entertaining to see him attempt it."
"That somet'ing I definitely wanna see," Del chuckled."Shut up!" Ruth echoed her fellow Jew.
"You God-cursed bastard!" Daffy shouted. "Come near me and I'll kill you!"
"That, too, might be amusing," Ming returned.
"Dafshka, be careful," Chekov warned. "He is a sorcerer.""Not to mention your boss," Ruth chimed in.
Daffy's jaw tightened, and she gathered moisture and spat in the sorcerer's face.
He raised an eyebrow as he wiped the spittle away.
"Not quite so enchanting after all," he commented, then turned and walked away. Daffy again drew close to the window and stuck out her tongue at his retreating back. Then she began to pace the small confines of her cell. The diversion had worked, though she was fairly certain she didn't remember her and Pytor getting caught as a part of the plan. She only hoped the agile Japaner could do what he said he could – climb the tower walls and free the island priestess – before Lord Ming returned to use his 'power of a different kind.'
"Don't worry, hon," Sulu murmured to Jilla. "I'll save you."