“...so there seems to be something really strange going on here,” Ruth finished, gazing worriedly at the still unconscious figure on the bed. “What Del calls 'The Divine Wind' is Kamikaze, and Sulu is Kamikaze, but he doesn’t seem to know everything there is to know about Kamikaze, and Kam doesn’t seem to know who Sulu is, much less that he is Sulu, or anything about Kamikaze....”
“An' then they's th' one who ask you not to tell him,” Del added.
Ruth rubbed her temples. “I don’t understand that part at all.”
“Let me get this straight,” Gage interrupted. “You’re telling me that there are three people using Kam’s body? And only one of them is gifted?”
“Yes, and no,” Jeremy abruptly put in. He’d been silent throughout Ruth’s explanation, and now Ruth gazed worriedly at him. “It’s called multiple personality syndrome. Everyone has it to a certain extent; we’re different people to our friends than we are to our bosses, different to our parents than we are to our children, and so on. But sometimes this gets expanded and exaggerated, and these different facets of our personalities become dissasociated, detached from one another. Then it becomes a disorder. The disorder is a psychological coping mechanism, usually found in extremely creative or intelligent people. It’s a response to a trauma, some incident or series of incidents so devastating that the original personality can’t handle. Their creativity takes over and creates another personality. The original personality gives that experience to the ‘new’ personality, thereby leaving the original ignorant of it. The Divine Wind is the personality Sulu created to deal with situations that trigger his memory of that trauma. Whenever something happens that is related to the original trauma, Sulu retreats and remains unaware of it, and Kam comes in to deal with it. Since both Sulu and Kam are empathic, Kamikaze is more continuous than is usual for multiple personalities, so he can be summoned simply by saying his name. He has become a true other, no longer tied to the original trauma; a separate person, with a separate life. But he was created by Sulu, as a creative coping mechanism.” His dark brown eyes slowly met Gage’s. “What trauma caused this, Haven?”
Del was nodding.
How does he know all this? Ruth asked him silently
He a shrink, babe, came the answer.
Cobra, a shrink?!
It a Fleet secret. He have no regular patients, but he called in fo' special cases.
Realization dawned. That’s why he’s your roommate.
You got it, babe.
“How would I know?” Gage was saying in response to Jeremy’s question.
“You seem far more familiar with Kam than you are with Sulu,” Jeremy replied, his voice hard. “And Kam’s sure as shit more familiar with you than Sulu is.”
Gage blinked. “I don’t know, Cobra.”
“What was it you said?” Jeremy continued. “‘Isn’t it time we dropped this charade? I’ve gone along with you all these years but things are different now? You want to keep your friends ignorant, that’s your business?’” Jeremy grinned, and it wasn’t a pleasant sight. “You want to explain all that, Haven?”
Gage looked a little puzzled. “I’m not sure I can,” he returned. “All these years it’s always been... in public, around others, we were Clavist and Dealer, but whenever we were alone...”
“Whenever we were alonewhat?” Jeremy’s voice was like the crack of a whip.
Gage frowned. “I was a client."
“You were a client.” It wasn’t a question and both Ruth and DelMonde cringed from the anger that seethed from their friend.
“I thought that if he wanted to keep his working status private, it was his business.” Gage shrugged. “How was I to know he was a separate person?”
“How long?” Jeremy wanted to know, his words coming from between clenched teeth.
“I already told you, since he was fifteen.” There was a pause, then the Haven added softly, "But that stopped after Calvario was institutionalized."
“Fifteen?!” Ruth burst out. “He was a minor?”
“He signed the contract as a ward,” Sulu’s voice said from the bed. Ruth turned. He was sitting up, and from the hardness of his eyes and the lack of pain reaching her own empathy, she knew this was Kamikaze.
“I know your daddy,” Jeremy put in, also turning from Gage to the bed. “He wouldn’t’ve signed any...”
“He was Cal’s ward,” Kam replied.
“How could you be anybody’s ward when you had a mother and father?” Ruth wanted to know. Kamikaze ignored the question.
“That was ten years ago,” he went on. “What’s so fucking important about it now?”
“You’ve been fucking Gage for ten years,” Jeremy stated coldly.
“Not since the second year at the academy,” was the blasé answer.
“When the Hunter got caught,” Ruth murmured.
"As I said," Gage put in.
“And Gage has been fucking him," Kam scowled, then his expression changed to a grin. “I’ve been fucking you for nearly that long too.”
“I never had to pay you for it.”
The grin turned nasty. “Not in credits, no.”
That was more than Jeremy could bear. His hold on his temper broke and his vision went red. Not the red of venus; the red of blood filling his eyes, fury dictating his actions. With all the speed and ferocity of Starfleet’s best security training, he had Gage by the throat. The Haven’s arms were pinned behind him as Jeremy forced him against a wall. “What did you do to him?!” Jeremy hissed.
Gage choked, his dark eyes wide with genuine terror. He tried to speak and Jeremy only pushed harder. “You’ll pay for it, Haven,” Jeremy continued fiercely, “and not in credits…”
“Let him go,” a strong, calm female voice broke in. “He doesn’t have your answers.”
Del was reeling from the strength of Jeremy’s emotions. The venus and the angel had destroyed his imperfect shielding, and for a moment, it was all Ruth could do to keep him from blacking out. As she projected her own empathic shields around him, she became aware that the anger beating on him was coming from two sources. Confused, she telepathically scanned around her.
Get out of my head! Kamikaze snapped at her - but it was immediately followed by the second source of anger; one that was pain-filled and helplessly absorbing Jeremy’s fury. And channeling it straight to Del.
What the…?
Jeremy looked up at the voice, but didn’t release Gage. “Do you?” he growled.
Loki Monolem strode over to him, firmly grasping the arm that held Gage’s neck. “Let him go, Cobra, “ she repeated. “Then we talk.”
With a snarl of disgust, Jeremy threw Gage to the deck. Loki knelt beside him, making sure he was all right, then stood. She raked her fingers through her short, feathered, dark hair, then sighed. She glanced at the bed, and Jeremy saw the worry in her eyes. Sulu met her gaze coolly, but there was a hard bitter edge to his voice when he spoke. “Sorry about Trickster,” he said, “but Lane is puttin’ him back to work.”
“No, I'm not,” Gage said with a quiet shake of his head.
“Wait, wait!” Ruth broke in wildly. “If you're not Sulu, and Sulu doesn't know about working, who is this him you're talking about?!”
Kamikaze grinned, his expression devoid of any mirth, but he ignored the Antari's question and spoke again to Loki. “I’m sure he can convince someone to repair her for you.”
“I’m sure you can, Kam,” Loki returned quietly. “You get some rest. That madman’s run took a lot out of you.” she shifted her gaze to Jeremy. “Come on Cobra, Spike, Cajun, let him be for a while.”
Jeremy swallowed, staring helplessly as Sulu settled back on the bed. He didn’t look in need of rest. In fact, Sulu was staring at him in exactly the way he used to when he wanted a lengthy session Upstairs at Cal’s. Babe, what happened to you? Jeremy thought forlornly. He was quite surprised when he got an answer.
Whatever it was, Ruth’s mind-voice said, it happened to more than one of him.
“It’s a long story,” Loki began. She and Jeremy, Ruth, Del and Gage were seated in the living area of Gage’s suite. She’d gotten them all shots of Haven black scotch, as well as cups of strong coffee.
“I’m not goin’ anywhere,” Jeremy reminded sternly.
“We already know he’s a multiple personality,” Ruth put in. “I’ve had telepathic contact with at least three, possibly four people in there.”
“What I wanna know is, how did he hide it so long?” Jeremy said.
Loki sighed, her hand again running through her hair. “That, I don’t know. I’m not a shrink.” She glanced at Jeremy, who met her gaze with steely recrimination. “Maybe it has something to do with his being gifted.”
“You knew that, too,” Jeremy stated, his fury obviously held just barely in check.
“Let me tell you the whole story,” she returned. “Then maybe we can figure this out together.”
Ruth listened, growing more and more shocked and grief-stricken, as Loki told of the true nature of Sulu’s relationship with Ruis Calvario. The Haven woman told of the extreme drug usage, of the coercion into prostitution, and of the sexual abuse that the then nearly sixty year old man had inflicted upon Sulu from the time he was fifteen until the Hunter’s incarceration five years later. She told of the bizarre rituals Calvario forced on him, the interference of doctors and more sophisticated drugs to forge his body and mind into a perfect sexual tool. And she told them of the week-end long marathon that she believed had started it all, of Cal’s obvious serial rape that she might have stopped, and hadn’t, of her failure to protect what was then a potential Haven investment.
Jeremy was shaking with rage, his fists clenched, his body rigid, the veins bulging in his neck and forearms and temples. Several times during Loki’s narrative, he had bolted from his seat, his hands reaching for her throat, or Gage’s. And each time, Gage’s security, a tall, strong, no-nonsense Haven named Tomor Rand had stepped in and none-too-gently shoved Paget back in his chair.
“How could you?” Ruth managed, her voice catching as she tried not to sob. “Loki, how could you?”
Loki shrugged. “I was young. I was afraid of Calvario. I was, to be honest, afraid of making a bad mistake in recruiting. It would have reflected badly to have a Monolem have such poor judgment.” She grimaced ruefully. “A fact I’m paying for now. But that’s not your problem. Sulu’s the way he is because Cal fucked him over, then fucked him over again, then did it again, and never left him a way out.” She bent her head. “Because I crashed on his one chance to get away from the bastard.”
“Why you never try t' get him away after dat?” Del wanted to know. His dark eyes were laced with pain, his voice hoarse.
“I did,” Loki confessed. “But it was too late. Sulu didn’t know what I was talking about, Kam wouldn’t leave Cal, and he never stayed - whoever it was that wanted to leave - long enough to actually make it out of the penthouse.” She paused. “Or the Hotel.”
“What 'bout th' Divine Wind?” Del cut in. “You not tell me he not wanna get th' hell out.”
“He doesn't trust me,” Loki answered softly. “And I can hardly blame him.”
“I’ll make you pay, Monolem,” Jeremy growled, his own eyes dark with unshed tears.
“If it’s any comfort, Cobra,” she said to him, “I am.”
“Devri, Loki, why didn’t you ever tell me?” Gage murmured.
“And what would you have done, Dealer?” Loki asked him. Her tone of voice was slightly contemptuous.
He scowled at her. “I wouldn’t’ve fucked him, that’s for damn sure,” he replied with no little contempt of his own. “I don’t take unfair advantage. And I wouldn’t have offered him my services either, for the same reason. Whether you think so or not, Loki, ma’am, I’m a man of ethics.”
Loki’s manner softened. “I know you are, Lane. I’m upset at myself, you’re just in the way.”
“Well, warn me and let me move my poor ass,” Gage rejoined.
“Can we get back to Sulu,” Jeremy demanded. He faced Gage. “You sure as shit ain’t gonna hold him to that bet.”
Gage opened his mouth, but it was Loki who answered. “The problem is, will Kam hold him to it?”
Babe, we gotta talk 'bout this, Del’s mind-voice said.
Ruth sent back agreement. “Loki,” she said aloud, “we need to determine just how bad the splits are and the nature of them. If Del and I can contact one who can control the others…”
“Isn’t that shrink-work?” Loki asked.
Ruth glanced at Jeremy. “Eventually, yes, but right now, we’ve got to convince Kamikaze to let us take Sulu out of here.”
“Scab,” Gage muttered. “Twenty-five up.”
“I don’t think so,” Loki said. “If you can’t collect, neither can Sulu.”
For the first time, Tomor Rand spoke. “What about what the Monolems owe?” he rumbled.
Loki frowned. “I hate security,” she scowled. “They don’t understand profit.” Rand only grinned, showing all his teeth. She shook herself, reminding Ruth of a large cat. “Okay,” she said, her voice again business-like. “Here’s the offer. The Monolems pick up the tab for any expenses incurred while straightening Sulu out - as long as it’s done under our roof. We’ll square it with the Federation and Starfleet for the three of you to stay till he’s sane. When he can choose, he can be adopted into the Monolem Clan, or he can go his own way. Either way, we’ll set up his profits from the Hotel in an investment portfolio.” She grinned. “Either way, he’ll be a very wealthy man.”
“And that will pay for what was done to him?” Jeremy demanded bitterly.
Loki’s grin vanished. “No, Jeremy,” she said quietly. “But it’s all Haven has to give him.”
The Havens left Ruth, Del and Jeremy alone with Sulu. He was sleeping soundly - or unconscious. It was impossible to tell without a telepathic scan, and Ruth didn’t want to risk what might happen - who she might awaken.
Jeremy was kneeling by the side of the bed, his hand gently covering Sulu’s. His eyes never left Sulu’s face, and Ruth could feel the terrible pain and fear coursing through him.
“I knew it,” he was murmuring. “I knew that man was evil. I told him so many times, I begged him to stay away from him…”
“Stop, Jer,” Del rasped. “You could'na known…”
“I should have done something, should have tried…!” Jeremy’s voice broke.
Del knelt down beside him, his arms coming around the trembling shoulders. “Non, mon ami,” he said, and repeated it softly. “Non, non…” Tears streaked his face, and Ruth joined them, resting her head against Jeremy’s back, letting her own tears come. They stayed like that for what seemed like a long time. Finally, Jeremy straightened up, giving Sulu’s hand a quick squeeze before standing up.
“What do we do about this?” he asked, wiping his face with the backs of his hands. “I’ll leave Fleet for him, but what about you two?”
“An' what 'bout his Jilla?” Del added, then smiled sadly at Jeremy. “Sorry, but we gotta t'ink of it, non?”
Ruth sighed, rubbing her temples. Babe, he don' wait fo' you, Del’s voice said gently in her mind, and her own sorrow swept through her.
Spock, can I really leave you? Can I really give up?
You not already? Or why you spend th' las' two days soarin'?
But… Spock… I love you!
I be here, Raw-eth, Del soothed. I know, I not him, but I love you.
It never works between us!
Maybe, wit' helpin' Sulu, we find a way. Anyway, can we jus' leave him be? We got to try, fo' his sake.
Ruth took a deep breath. “I’ll contact the Enterprise. I’ll tell Captain Kirk what happened, and I’ll talk to Jilla.”
Jeremy nodded, the mental conversation having taken only a moment. “I’ll call up to the Hood. The Surgeon General can verify my qualifications to deal with this kind of case. NC…” He paused. “I don’t know what they’re gonna say about you.”
“It not matter,” DelMonde replied grimly. “I not leave him like this.”
Jeremy studied him. “Don’t take this wrong, NC,” he returned. “But… why?”
Del shook his head. “Willow not th' only one who fail him, mon ami. I not leave him again.”
“Jeremy,” Ruth put in, “somehow, I don’t know how, but Sulu - or some part of Sulu - some part of his empathy is linked directly to Del.” She glanced at the sleeping figure in the bed. “That’s why.”
“And you, Spike?” Jeremy asked gently.
Ruth felt tears welling up in her eyes again. “Don’t you know?” she asked. “I love him, too.”
Jilla clutched at her coffee cup, the liquid in it untouched, staring at the table in the rec room at which she and Ruth sat. Ruth, having exchanged her civilian evening clothes for a more sedate Antari halter and shorts, watched her Indiian friend anxiously. She’d explained the Clave and racing, she’d explained Sulu’s checkered past, surprised that Jilla had known most of it. She had tried to explain his relationship with Cal, what she had once thought it was, as well as what she now knew it was. And she had tried to explain, as kindly as she could, what had driven Sulu to this madman’s race, to the venus, and to the reckless wager that had revealed his hidden psychological disorder. That she had explained it twice already, once to Captain Kirk and once to Commander Spock, wasn’t making it any easier.
When Jilla finally looked up, there were both tears and resolve in her grey eyes.
“Would my presence be of any assistance? “ she whispered.
“I really don’t know,” Ruth replied. She paused, then reached for Jilla’s hand. “Can you love him?” she asked gently. “Can you give him the contact he needs?” Jilla still stared at her, and Ruth bit her lip. “Can you let him damn you, Jilla?”
“I am already damned, as well you know,” the Indiian replied bitterly.
“Yeah,” Ruth returned. “But can you give yourself to him now, when you couldn’t before?”
“I…” Jilla stammered, her gaze lowering again. “I don’t…”
“Then don’t come,” Ruth interrupted bluntly. Jilla’s eyes snapped up again. “Don’t give him any more pain. If you can’t ease him, let him go.” She stared at Jilla’s face, allowing her to feel all the pain and fear and grief she held for Sulu.
Jilla sobbed aloud, then quickly rose and fled the rec room. Ruth swore silently, then picked up the duffel she had already packed and started for the transporter room. She was stopped in the corridor just outside the transporter.
“Miss Valley,” Spock’s voice said. Ruth took a deep breath, turning to face her former superior - and the man she loved.
“Yes, Mr. Spock?”
“Starfleet has approved an extended leave for both you and Mr. Sulu on medical grounds,” the Vulcan informed her. “Regular reports on his condition will be expected. These can be forwarded to Starfleet Command through me.” He handed her a data cassette. “This contains my personal communications frequency. The Havens need not be concerned that your transmissions will be used by Starfleet against any member of their Empire.” And will enable me to remain connected to you.
Ruth startled at the addition in her head. She stared at Spock’s face. He showed no sign of having deliberately sent a telepathic message to her - but then, how would she be able to tell?
Simple, she told herself. Answer him.
That will please me, Mr. Spock, she sent, making her mind-voice gentle.
Spock showed no sign of having heard her, either - until his eyes met hers and he gave a slight, almost imperceptible nod.
“I wish you success in your treatment of Mr. Sulu’s condition,” Spock continued. “And may I suggest, should the allegations of abuse prove true, that Mr. Calvario is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”
“I don’t think there will be any doubt about that,” Ruth returned grimly. She again met his gaze. “Thank you.” He turned to leave, and Ruth spoke again. “Commander?”
Spock again faced her. “Yes, Miss Valley?”
“Will you… I think you know how Jilla… how Sulu felt about…”
“I will attempt to provide comfort for her,” Spock acknowledged. And perhaps, she will do likewise for me.
This time, Ruth answered without thought.
I’ll miss you, Spock.
She saw Spock blink, then recover.
“Peace, Miss Valley,” he said aloud, “and long life.”
She never knew if it was supposed to be an answer.
Just before she stepped onto the transporter pad, Jilla raced into the room. She held out a small packet. “Please,” she said quietly, “when he is recovered…” Her voice broke. “I am sorry, Ruth,” she whispered. “I cannot…” Then she turned and was gone.
Ruth closed her eyes, swallowing, then placed the packet in her duffel and said, softly, “Energize.”
“I’m on authorized medical leave,” Jeremy said as she stepped off Leather’s transporter pad. “NC just up and quit.”
“I’m on leave, too, and so is Roy,” she returned. She noticed that his flamboyant civilian outfit had also been discarded in favor of a more standard tunic and slacks.
“Jilla?” Jeremy questioned. Ruth shook her head.
“She can’t help him.” She tried not to see the mixture of anger and relief on Jeremy’s face.
“Well, looks like we got our work cut out for us,” he said.
“Yeah,” she replied softly, then tried to grin. “D’you suppose there’s some reason why we only get to work together when it’s to bring down Cal?”
“I want that motherfucker dead,” Jeremy growled.
Ruth shook her head. “Death is too easy,” she said.
“I didn’t say immediately, now, did I?” Jeremy returned with a nasty grin.
Ruth laughed, then sobbed, and Jeremy took her in his arms and let her cry. “We’ll help him, Spike,” he soothed. “And that bastard will pay for what he did. That’s a promise, and Cobra don’t break his promises.”
Ruth nodded against his chest, but stayed in his arms for a long time.
Del stood over Sulu, staring down at the peaceful features. Must be unconscious, he thought. There not be no peace there if he was sleepin’.
Help me.
Del started at the faint plea in his head. Sulu?
No more, please, no more. Help me!
Del called urgently for Ruth, then tried to focus his imperfectly-trained telepathy on Sulu. Sulu, you hear me? Mon ami?
Del. Cajun. We help you, jus' come to us!
Us? There was fear in the mind-voice, a terror that threatened sanity. Del fought against his answering fear.
Raw-eth. Cobra. We help you, Sulu!
With sudden strength, Del felt Ruth’s mind joining the link. We’ll help you. Just come to us.
Panic swirled through the thoughts, tearing at Del’s mind, and the voice began to retreat.
Please, Sulu! Ruth begged. We want to help you, please!
Mon amor, you mot leave me! Del cried.
As abruptly as the voice had invaded his thoughts, it was gone, leaving him drained and shaking. He felt Ruth’s strength surrounding him, gently reweaving the ragged edges of his mind.
“What was happening?” Cobra’s soft voice asked.
“Whoever is linked to Del was trying to make contact,” Ruth explained as she caressed DelMonde’s temples. “But he’s terrified and doesn’t seem to have any control over his telepathy.”
“He say 'no more', over an' over,” Del managed. “He beg fo' help, but I not know what to do.” He stared up into the TerAfrican’s eyes. “Tell me what to do, Jer.”
Jeremy shook his head, looking down at the bed and Sulu. “I don’t know,” he replied. “Yet. But when he’s clear of the angel, we’ll start therapy.”
“It isn’t going to be easy,” Ruth rejoined sadly.
“And none too pretty,” Jeremy agreed. “Just save up all your pain and anger for when we can get our hands on Ruis Calvario.”
Lane stood over the bed, his arms crossed belligerently. His usually urbane expression had been exchanged for one of fierce resolve. “Loki said under our supervision. That’s me. I stay.”
“When he sees you, he becomes Kam,” Ruth explained with no little exasperation. “We need to get in touch with his other personalities.”
“Has it never occurred to you that only Kam can tell you exactly what that old sick-fuck did to him?” Gage retorted. “Sure, it will be sickening to hear just how devoted he is to the piece of shit, but if you want to know what made Kam, talk to Kam.”
“Since when did you stop being buddy-buddy with Calvario?” Jeremy sneered.
“Look, Cobra, I did business with him. I do business with a lot of slime. My personal feelings aren’t the issue in business.”
“But you take him all these years,” DelMonde growled. “You play ‘on the house’ wit' him.”
“How many times do I have to tell you I didn’t know!” Gage shouted. “The first time I saw him was in the morning crash at Calvario’s penthouse with all the other pros. I asked after him, Cal set me up a few weeks later. He certainly knew his profession the first time I was with him!”
“You were the first real client,” a soft voice said from the bed. All eyes turned to it. Sulu was sitting up, cross-legged. His voice seemed young, matter-of-fact, and neither Ruth or Del felt Sulu’s anguish, Kamikaze’s bitterness, or the unnamed personalities’ terror.
“Kam?” Gage asked, his voice unexpectedly gentle.
“I had a few training sessions before you, but you were the first official trick.” Sulu shrugged, almost flushing. “Sorry, we aren’t supposed to call you tricks to your face.”
Gage smiled. “That’s okay, Kam. I don’t mind.”
Sulu shrugged again, a half-smile tugging at his lips. Then he looked around. The smile faded. "Who are all of you? he asked.
“Where do you think you are?” Jeremy responded.
Sulu looked dubiously around the room. “The Hotel, I thought…” his voice trailed off. “Guess not.” Again his gaze went to Gage. “What happened?”
“You’re on my boat,” Gage began.
“Does Cal know?”
“Uh, Kam… there’s something I need to…”
“Roy, do you know who I am?” Ruth broke in abruptly. When there was no response, Ruth tapped him on the shoulder. Sulu turned to her. He stared for a moment, then smiled, a full, open, very charming smile. She repeated her question.
“Do you know who I am?”
“No, but I’d like to.” He tilted his head in a very childlike, questioning fashion. “Why did you call me ‘Roy’?” he wanted to know.
“Spike, let me talk to him alone,” Gage said.
“Nothing doing,” Jeremy responded evenly.
“He’s never hurt me,” Sulu put in, speaking to Jeremy, his voice somewhat confused, apparently by the emotion that was not evident in Jeremy's voice. “He’s always been my favorite client.” He smiled reassuringly. “There no reason to worry for me.”
“You tellin’ me you whore for this Haven is reason enough,” Jeremy grumbled.
Sulu's eyes lowered. "We prefer the term companion," he said quietly. "It isn’t as bad as people think, especially when you have tr- “ he stopped, flushing again. “Clients like Lane.”
“Why’d you do it in the first place?” Jeremy asked, his voice hoarse with renewed anguish.
Again, Sulu glanced down. “I’m not sure I can answer that. It seemed – I don’t know, natural. A way to ease the craving, to feed the need…”
“What need?”
Sulu closed his eyes. “Emerald need,” he whispered. After several silent moments, his opened again, though he kept them lowered. “The first time, Cal said…”
“Cal said,” Jeremy repeated with such venom that Sulu pulled back. “I should’ve known that sick bastard started it.”
“He just gave me the chemical and brought me to the Hotel,” Sulu defended. “I signed the contract.”
“He gave you the damned chemical and brought you to the damned hotel so you could sign the damned contract!” Jeremy roared.
“Enough!” Ruth demanded. Sulu had shrunk away from Jeremy’s rage and was almost cowering on the bed. She noticed Gage had moved, kneeling on the side of the bed, his posture a very protective and defensive one. She also noticed that Sulu had reached out to grasp one of the Haven’s hands.
“What the fuck do you mean, enough?” Jeremy blazed back at her. “It’s all comin’ down to that sick-fuck, sadistic…”
“Cobra, I know how you feel…” She began, but was forcefully interrupted.
“No, you don’t know,” Jeremy snapped. “You weren’t there, you didn’t watch the way that son-of-a-bitch worked on him, the manipulation, the games. You didn’t see how he twisted normal urges into traps of guilt and grief and…”
“All right, Ruis Calvario was and is a monster and I can’t possibly understand it,” Ruth mock-conceded with a growl. “But let’s not lose sight of why we’re here. We’re supposed to be focused on -”
“An orgy?” said a darkly amused voice from the bed.
Damn! Ruth’s mental voice spat, and she heard Del’s soft agreement. She turned her attention to Kam.
“Of course, it’s really up to you, oh Great Master and Keeper of Hopefully Unlimited Chemical Supplies,” Sulu added with a scowl at Gage.
Gage’s face had lost its openness. The dark eyes were veiled, vaguely amused, as they had, Ruth had thought up until this day, always been. “They don’t have enough to pay for an orgy, baby,” he said.
Sulu’s expression was wickedly suggestive. “On the house for an old friend?” he returned.
“One on one, maybe, but an orgy…?” Gage shook his head. “I’d lose way too much.”
Sulu’s eyes were locked on Gage’s. “Serial, then.”
Gage shuddered, then smiled, but it had an edge to it. “One,” he murmured.
“You son-of-a…” Jeremy began, but Gage made a silencing gesture.
Sulu’s eyes gleamed delightedly. “My choice?” he asked. Gage snorted.
“Not scabbing likely.” He glanced up, his gaze catching Ruth’s. “I always wanted to see you with Spike here,” he mused. There was no mistaking the meaning in Gage’s look: he was trying to give the keheil room to work. Ruth sent him a silent kiss of thanks.
“Everybody else out,” Gage said, motioning to the door of the bedroom.
Find out how many, Del’s voice said in Ruth’s mind.
I’ll try, she returned. She watched him leave, followed by Gage and Jeremy, and sent reassurance to the dark-skinned security officer. We’ll take care of him, she promised silently.
Then she was distracted as Sulu licked the bare flesh above her hipbone. “We’re going to have a good time, Ruth,” Kamikaze whispered. “I guarantee it.”
To Be Continued.....