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Valjiir Family

George Kirk
Jim's Older Brother

Aurelian Kirk
Jim's Sister-in-Law

Sarek Sepaklrn
Spock's Father

Amanda Greyson
Spock's Mother

Spock's Grandmother

Yonaton Valley
Ruth's Father

Ramy ani Randall
Ruth's Mother

Ephraim Valley
Ruth's Grandfather

Tova Maxwell-Valley
Ruth's Grandmother

David Maxwell
Ruth's Cousin

Catherine Cameron-Maxwell
David's (shiksa trophy) Wife

Jiro Takeda
Sulu's Father

Midori Takeda
Sulu's Mother

Tayu Takeda
Sulu's Grandmother

Ichiro Takeda
Sulu's Older Brother

Sosei Takeda
Ichiro's Wife

Hana Takeda
Sulu's Younger Sister

Kelly O'Shea
Jade's Mother

Jole Costain
Jilla's Father

Karina Naton-Costain
Jilla's Mother

Liore Costain
Jilla's Older Brother

Kera Costain
Jilla's Younger Sister

Dominic DelMonde
Del's Father

Louisa Duhon-DelMonde
Del's Mother

Benjamin Gollub
Daffy's Father

Miriam Rosen
Daffy's Aunt

Andrei Chekov
Pavel's Father

Natasha Rostov-Chekov
Pavel's Mother

Max Rostov
Pavel's Uncle

Charles Paget
Jeremy's Father

Dominique Paget
Jeremy's Mother

Selar's Father

Selar's Mother

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