Sakura Tamura was born in San Fransisco, California on Terra's North American continent in the year 2222 on May 11th. Of Japanese descent, she was the only daughter of the Chief Financial Officer of a large fishing conglomerate, Nakimoro Tamura, and an Executive Secretary for the same company, Fumiko Koriwaza Tamura. She was spoiled by her father, much to the disapproval of her mother, and became something of a free spirit.
That free spirit led her to the Clave, where she went from Groupie to Racer, taking the handle "Gypsy.' It was there she met Sulu, Jeremy Paget, Daffy Gollub, Noel DelMonde and Ruth Valley. She began an intense and intimate friendship with Sulu which has lasted to the present day (minus the sexual aspect, of course).
Sakura joined Starfleet the year before the Hunter was caught and continued her relationship with Sulu. It was, in fact, Sakura who told Sulu that the Hunter had been caught and who he was, and she who helped him deal with the emotional storm that information engendered in him. With a talent for organizational details, once she graduated from the Academy, she was assigned to the Enterprise to be the First Officer's yeoman.
Of average height for a Japanese woman, Sakura is exotically pretty, with a partucularly attractive, pouty mouth. She has a fondness for Rigellian which rivals Jade Han's, but, like the good doctor, never lets that interfere with her work. She is the person who, as Daffy Golub puts it, Sulu goes to for tidbits of Oriental wisdom. If Jilla was jealous of anyone in Sulu's life (other than Jeremy Paget), that person would be Sakura Tamura.
NOTE: All information current up through Standard Year 2248
Here's a treat - Sakura with honey-blonde hair!
Artwork by