Tara Ryan was born in the year 2225 in Chicago, Illinois, North American continent, Terra, Sol-Jupiter system. There are no such things as real "rough neighborhoods" on Terra anymore, thanks to the supurb management of the United Nations of Earth, but Tara's neighborhood retains all the values of those kinds of environments - self-reliance, street-wise, loyalty to one's own, toughness in body and mind. With that kind of background, it's no wonder Tara chose Security as her field of study.
Basically a shy person, Tara has developed the traditional facade of security personnel everywhere; no-nonsense. She often displays this as a somewhat incongruously prudish distaste for sexual references or blatant come-ons - unless she has a few drinks. Then all her street-smart mannerisms and vocabulary make themselves known - and one is wise, in the morning, never to remind her of it.
Assigned to the Enterprise, Tara learned hands-on security from Sulu, who also had a hands-on relationship of another type with her, short-lived though it was. Of course, that can be said of a good 75% of the people who were assigned to the Enterprise after Sulu was, so it might not be too significant.
Tara was born in early January, making her a Capricorn.
NOTE: All information current up through Standard Year 2248
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