Theodore Angelo Mancini was a needle racer with the unlikely handle of "Basset." Unlikely, but not unsuited, because with his large, mournful brown eyes, Ted did, indeed, look like a basset hound. He was the son of a psychiatrist, Dr. Fredrick Mancini, and a good friend of David Maxwell, Daffy Gollub, and Ruth Valley.
A helpful, friendly, caring young man, Ted also acquired the name "Missionary" because, as the young Mensch put it, he could be a missionary without saying a single word. This was due to his attempts at convincing her to care about the world the way an Antari keheil should.
Ted has the unfortunate distinction of being the last racer The Hunter ever killed, and though it led directly to the capture of that psychopathic madman, Ruth is still haunted by his death. Informing Ted's parents about the circumstances of their son's death is one of the few recorded instances of a racer - Ruth herself - breaking Clave anonymity.
NOTE: All information current up through Standard Year 2248
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